Cross-chain Swap Fee

0.25%* JulSwap fee

How are the external multi-chain swap fees calculated?

The cross-chain swap fee is shown as "bridge fee" on the UI.

  • For a cross-chain swap that does not involve any destination swap, the JulSWap protocol does not charge any additional fee. The "bridge fee" is directly paid to third-party bridges to cover their operating cost.

  • For a cross-chain swap that involves a destination swap, the JulSwap protocol will charge a small execution to cover the gas cost for performing the destination swap. In this case, the "bridge fee" includes both the third-party fee and the JulSwap destination execution fee.

In addition, if Stargate is used as the intermediate bridge, there might be extra fees charged in native gas token when submitting the cross-chain swap request. This fee is paid to Stargate to cover the gas cost and the message passing fee.Moreover, if Celer cBridge is used as the intermediate bridge and a destination swap is involved, a tiny amount of message passing fee will be charged in native gas token. The message passing fee is paid to Celer Network.

*Fees can be change

Last updated